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WELCOME to Pumpkintown Books
Where reading is fun!
Big News! Introducing Pumpkin Tales! Stories of Magic and Mystery.

Grand release September Friday the 13th!
Pumpkins, costumes, and candy. Ann loves everything about Halloween, especially because it’s her birthday.
But then ... in an ancient library book, Ann, and her friends Cali and Vin discover that it’s also the night of an Enchanted Blue Moon. This means that when Ann makes a wish, and blows out her candles, her wish will come true. Any wish.
What will Ann’s wish be? Will it be a treat? Or will the magic moon play its own spooky Halloween trick?

This is a fun newsletter!
The Pumpkintown Books news letter presents four happy ideas for adults and children.
Enjoy a quiet thought, an inspirational message, a few laughs and a pumpkin.
If you want to give it a try, sign up here.

Pumpkin Pals


Thank you! You are great readers! See you 'round Pumpkintown!
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